Important Essays for Classes 5 to 10

Some Useful Hints for Essay Writing

1. The practice of essay writing should be started with simple and description-oriented topics.

2. Essays written by different authors on the chosen topic should be read carefully.

3. It is always convenient to break the subject down into subheadings and make an outline.

4. The size of the essay is not necessary to be big. The material should be presented in a logical and well-organized manner.

5. Collection of beautiful sayings and quotes given on various subjects from magazines and books should be done. It is good to quote them at appropriate places while writing an essay.

Here are some ideal essays for class 5 to 10 students-

Question – Write an essay on any one of the following topics on the basis of the pointers given.

1. Clean India Healthy India

Pointers:- (1) What is cleanliness? (2) Types of Sanitation (3) Benefits of Sanitation (5) Sanitation: Our Contribution (5) Conclusion.

What is cleanliness? – The object or place keeps getting dirty due to continuous use or due to the influence of the environment. Cleaning, washing, and removing dirt and dirt from dust, water, sunlight, and garbage is called cleanliness. It is the responsibility of all of us to keep our bodies, clothes, houses, streets, drains, and even our neighborhoods and cities clean.

Types of Sanitation- Sanitation can be broadly seen in two ways- Personal Sanitation and Public Sanitation. In personal hygiene, making your body clean by bathing, etc., sweeping and mopping the houses, and keeping bathrooms and toilets clean with disinfectants. Cleaning of drains flowing from the house and in front of the house, all come under personal hygiene. Public cleanliness includes the cleanliness of the neighborhood and the city, which often depends on the municipalities and village panchayats. Public cleanliness also cannot be complete without personal cooperation.

Benefits of cleanliness- ‘It has been said that cleanliness is also dear to God.’ Cleanliness is not only essential but also essential to keep our human life happy, safe, and stress-free, not only from the point of view of becoming blessed by God. Dirt or filth not only looks bad to the eyes, but it also has a direct relation to our health. Dirt gives rise to diseases. It is the mother of pollution and a sign of our uncivilization. Therefore it is the duty of every citizen to contribute to maintaining personal and public cleanliness.

Apart from the above-mentioned direct benefits of cleanliness, it also has some indirect and far-reaching benefits. Public cleanliness benefits both the individual and the government. There is a decrease in the expenditure on diseases and there is also a decrease in government expenditure on health services. These savings can be used for other services.

Cleanliness: Our Contribution- Cleanliness cannot be maintained only on the basis of administrative measures. Active participation of every citizen is absolutely essential in this. We can contribute to cleanliness in many ways, which can be as follows-

Do not throw household garbage on the street or road. When the sweeper arrives, put it in his cart or vehicle.

Do not use polythene at all. Not only is it a pollutant, but it is also very dangerous for animals. Do not throw household garbage in the drains. This blocks the drains. Dirty water starts flowing on the roads. Don’t pour the filth of toilets into the drains. Do not defecate in the open and do not make children defecate in drains or streets. Cooperate with the sanitation workers of the municipality.

• Epilogue- Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has launched the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Its promotion is being done continuously through the media. Many public representatives, officers-employees, celebrities (famous people) are participating in it. The public should give full cooperation in this from their level. Along with this, people are being motivated to build toilets in their homes to end the practice of open defecation in the villages. Financial assistance is also being provided for it. Every section of society should cooperate fully in these campaigns.

India: Towards Digitization

‘Introduction-‘Digital India’ is a commendable and bold effort to inspire Indian society to keep pace with international customs and policies. This is a new initiative of the Government of India. It is a visionary concept done keeping in mind the future form of India. Objective The objective of the project is to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.

Under this resolution, the India of tomorrow has to be created by connecting Indian talent with information technology. from this point of view

Three major goals of ‘Digital India’ have been set-

(1) Creating a usable digital infrastructure for every citizen.

(2) Operation of digital services based on public demand and making them available to the people.

(3) To make people proficient in the use of digital tools. Being digital means the common man going digital means that by avoiding cash transactions online

(Mobile, Paytm, Debit Card, etc.) Transaction use, minimization of paperwork, increased transparency in government and banking operations and business activities, and prevention of bribery, etc. Benefits of Digital Campaign This campaign is going to benefit all sections of society-

• This arrangement helps housewives in family income-expenditure, shopping, monthly and annual management, etc. It will be helpful for the students to choose the appropriate school, easy availability of study material, send online applications for scholarships, etc reduce the burden of books.

Unemployed youth will be able to easily search for suitable jobs and will take advantage of the transparent selection system by using digital application forms. Will be able to submit the certificate online.

• Traders and industrialists will also be benefitted from this, the hassle of cash transactions will be avoided. Customers will be satisfied. There will be transparency in government works, income tax, transport, and business expansion.

• Security of records, e-signature, mobile banking, freedom from middlemen in government works, transparency in the purchase and sale of real estate, e-registration, etc. are many benefits of ‘Digital India’.

Challenges- There are many challenges in the campaign to implement the digital system. The most important challenge is to make the public a participant in it by assuring it. City dwellers may find it easy to use digital devices, but making crores of rural, illiterate people capable of using it is a long and patient process. Besides, lovers of tax evasion will not like this system. People have to have faith in electronic security. The public has to be protected from cyber crimes, hacking, and thugs.

Go ahead- Challenges, doubts, and obstacles have been coming in every new and beneficial work. Making this system acceptable and successful with the honest public cooperation of the government is very necessary from the point of view of the interest of the country. hope we succeed

Pointers – (1) Meaning of open defecation free (2) Government efforts (3) Public awareness (4) Our contribution Meaning of open defecation free (5) Significance/conclusion

To say ‘open defecation free’ in simple language means ‘to be free from open defecation’. A village where people do not go outside to defecate in the fields or forests and have toilets in their homes is called an ‘open defecation free’ village. The practice of going for open defecation in villages is centuries old. Due to the limited population and respect for social norms, many benefits were associated with this tradition. ‘Unclean’ due to defecation far away from the village

The work of carrying insecurity was a means of both freedom and cleanliness. The excreta was used to decompose automatically and used to work as manure in the fields. But in today’s circumstances, open defecation has become an open invitation to diseases. Also, the problems of women arising out of this have made it a critical problem. Therefore, it has become absolutely necessary to solve this tradition as soon as possible, from the point of view of cleanliness, health, and women’s safety.

Government Efforts Till a few years back, government efforts in this direction were equal to zero. In the villages, only a few rich and elegant families used to have toilets in their homes. That too only for women members, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid attention to the shameful incidents happening with rural women and especially adolescent girls, he added the ‘Open Defecation Free Village Campaign’ along with the cleanliness campaign. Government efforts are going on continuously in this direction.

Financial assistance is being provided by the government to those who make toilets in their homes. Newspapers and T.V. advertisements are being given by famous personalities in a very psychological way to build toilets in homes.

Mass awakening The Indian rural community is very hesitant to get rid of an ancient evil practice. They are influenced more by influential people, religious leaders, and psychological motivations than by government efforts. Therefore, ‘public awareness is absolutely necessary for the end of open defecation’. Some voluntary organizations are also making efforts for this. Along with this, the result of this practice should be inspired by the spokespersons in the religious event. Demonstrations by teachers and students should be resorted to. The educated youth of the village should join hands in this effort. Efforts for such public awareness are being made by the media as well as by the active teenagers and youth of the village. Whistle-blowing on seeing a person defecating in the open is one such interesting endeavor.

Our contribution- Students, teachers, politicians, businessmen, aware citizens, etc. are included in ‘our’

Huh. Evil can be eradicated by the collective effort of all. The rural public should be explained the disadvantages of open defecation. They should be told that it spreads diseases and is a waste of money and time. Also, it is an indecent habit. This creates many problems and crises for women. At home, students should motivate their parents, etc. to get rid of it.

Epilogue The number of open defecation-free villages is continuously increasing, apart from government efforts, village heads and local enlightened and influential people should come forward and take interest in this campaign. This will not only save rural India from the expenditure on diseases but also improve the image of the country at the international level.

4. Make in India

Point of reference – (1) Role, (2) Why prosperity? (3) Money making and industry, (4) Make in India, (5) Need of foreign capital, (6) Technology comes with capital, (7) Conclusion.

It fills us with pride to see the imprint of “Made in India” on the articles. This is not only an indicator of the continuous development of indigenous industries in the country but also fills every Indian with confidence. But along with this, our Prime Minister has also given the slogan ‘Make in India’, which means inviting foreign investors to set up industries in India. This is new thinking from the point of view of industrial progress and prosperity.

Why prosperity – The question arises that why does the man want to be prosperous? There are many needs in our life. Means are needed for fulfillment. We will get these means only when we are complete. We cannot be happy if our needs are not met. Therefore it is necessary to earn money and be prosperous. To earn money and industry, something has to be done, something has to be created. agricultural and industrial production.

He is the medium. Business is also a means of this. It is necessary that we produce something, produce some things. In order to make the country progress and prosper, we have to make things not only for our needs but also for the needs of others.

Make in India – Nowadays, small countries are increasing their prosperity by exporting their manufactured goods to foreign countries. Japan, which was destroyed in the Second World War, has been able to stand on its feet only on the strength of indigenous people. Prime Minister of India Modi has given the slogan of ‘Make in India’. Its purpose is to attract foreign capital to India and to establish industries here. The goods made in these industries will be manufactured in They will be sold in the markets of other countries of the world. This will increase the flow of money to India and it will become a prosperous nation.

Need for foreign capital- Capital will be required for the establishment and production of industries and for their growth. At present, India does not have enough capital to set up big industries and operate them with its own resources. Our Prime Minister wants that rich Indians and other industrialists living abroad should come to India and set up industries here with their capital. Not only will they get the Indian market for the goods produced, but they will also be able to earn profits by selling the products abroad. It will benefit them as well as India.

The arrival of technology with capital – The Prime Minister knows that India needs not only capital but also new technology. He also wants to open the doors of getting new technology along with capital by inviting foreign industrialists for production in India. This thinking is going to reveal his vision. When a child learns to walk, it needs someone to hold its finger. Then he starts galloping. India can also become a powerful industrial country by taking advantage of the experience of skilled industrialists.

Conclusion For the success of ‘Make in India’, we have to make many arrangements and take steps to create such an industrial environment in the country that will encourage foreign investors to set up their industries here. Improvements have to be made in the field of road, electricity, and transport. Arrangements have to be made in such a way that legal complications are removed in setting up industries and departmental experiences are received easily and quickly. The Government of India is continuously taking appropriate steps in this direction.

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