Essay on My Beautiful Village for Students

Essay on My Village:- Everybody loves his/her native village or town. My name is Anjali and my village is Dhamtari. It is in the Agra district. My village is very beautiful and incredible. We often visit our village at festivals or family functions. It has all the majors which makes it a better place to live. There is no pollution, no noise, and rush. The fresh air is blown with the sounds of birds chirping.

Essay on My Village

My beautiful village:- My town has some 100to150 families All the houses are mainly surrounded by greenery. All the people of my town are honest and hardworking. There is one lake near my village. Agriculture and fishing is the main occupation of my village people. Most of the villagers are farmers. Some of them work as labourers. Many people have domesticated cows in their homes.

My village is clean and beautiful. Another thing, that I love the most to sleeping on the terrace. I have counted stars in the clear sky. There is no smoke in my village. The climate is good. It is free from dirt, dust, and mosquitoes. The cool breeze at night is far better than air conditioners. All the people of my village are very kind and helpful. I have so many friends in my village and I play them all day.

There is a small temple in the center of my village. All people go once a week to worship. All the people gather there at every festival and celebrate the moment together. People usually grow vegetables on their farms. Others have to go to the nearby grocery shops for buying things. There are only a few shops selling only basic things. For more, people have to walk to nearby markets.


The roads in my village have many potholes and are very narrow. There are only a few means of transport available to travel to nearby places. There is one government hospital and school. However, in case of serious issues, they have to go to the city for treatment. although it lacks many facilities, people still live happily in villages. People live with unity amongst themselves. I love my village very much. For me, it is the best place on earth.

  • The name of my village is Rajpura.
  • My village is very clean and beautiful.
  • It is in the Nagpur district of Maharashtra.
  • My village is surrounded by nature.
  • About four thousand people live in my village.
  • My village has a primary and secondary school.
  • In my village, most of the villagers are farmers and they are very hardworking.
  • They are not rich but very kind-hearted.
  • My village is an ideal Village.
  • I am proud of My Village.

My Village
Going down and falling fast.
My village is restless with newcomers. Distilled combinations of worried eyes. Thoughtless members of the town hall.
They come from places I know of.
Leaving behind the like for better lives. Bringing with them youthful disgrace.
Many more as years go by.
A sinkhole for houses rented to shame. Suitable as the grass grows knee-high. Wanna be a gangster and have blind eyes?
My village is crumbling…….down.
The old have left for country peace.
Now only broken houses for broken homes.
We are still here, we watch it die slowly.
Sour streets, broken pavement, disembodied, my village……….
Gulliver Gimble

Difference between the village child and city child

Village Child

My home is a house
Near a wood
I’d live on a street
If I could!
I do wish someone
Lived near.
There’s no one to play with
At all.
The trees are so high
And so tall:
And I should be lonely
For hours,
Were it not for the birds
And the flowers.
The City Child

City Child

I live in a city
In a street;
It is crowded
with traffic And feet;
There are buses and motors
And trams.
I wish there were meadows
And lambs.
The houses all wait
In a row
There is smoke everywhere
That I go.
we don’t like the noises
I hear
I wish there were woods.

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